The Art of Not Caring When You Are Misquoted On the News

March 11, 2008 at 7:04 pm (Personal Development)

I made today’s title long for a reason: to show that all of the necessary information required to reflect accuracy can, in fact, fit despite the small space alotted.

On my way to Rowan University (a one-hour commute from my home) yesterday, I filled my gas tank. Instead of going to a gas station “on the way,” I drove five minutes in the opposite direction to fill up at Garden State Fuel. You’re probably thinking, “That must be crap gas, I’ve never heard of it.” Well, I have not done a study on the quality of the gas that pumps up from the tanks under GSF, but I do know that Plus reads 89 octane and my pepper white Mini Cooper has yet to complain.

Ok, back to my story….

 So I’m filling up yesterday and the news station from two buildings away, NBC 40, is interviewing customers about gas prices.

How the conversation actually went:

Greg the interviewer: What gas price will impact your driving habits?

Me, the interviewee: Well, I was watching the news today and THEY told me that four dollars will impact me. Hahaha. But no, I don’t really have a set number.

How the conversation was quoted on the 11 o’clock news:

Me, the bratty complainer: Four dollars will impact me.

 The title of the video is “‘High’ NJ gas prices, still lowest in U.S.” found via this link. Unfortunately, NBC 40 does not support embedding their videos into others’ sites, including my blog.

I should not have expected anything more than being misquoted. But really, it’s a shame that these reporters or editors were so desperate for a story that they would misquote me. They were after an angle, in search of a number, and didn’t take into consideration the fact that people, like me, are somewhat in denial that the prices are rising so drastically because we don’t have much of a choice or a say. It’s an interesting angle that I have not yet seen published and maybe one day they’ll write that story. Maybe.

1 Comment

  1. blandable said,

    I just wanted to remind you that the video of you being interviewed is quite possibly one of the most hilarious things I have ever seen in my life. I’m giggling now at the thought of it. Tee-hee…see? 🙂

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