The Art of Moving, Part II

April 10, 2008 at 10:18 am (Personal Development)

We’re officially out and I am truly impressed with our efforts in leaving our apartment (ex-apartment now) just as it was when we moved in. While I didn’t get to clean the refridgerator and oven like I wanted, the carpets were sprinkled and vacuumed and the countertops were wiped down with Clorox.

It’s hard to say goodbye. This was our first apartment together and now we’re sleeping on a couch in the new condo.

Bed in first apartment…couch in new condo…

Dresser in first apartment…floor in new condo…

Walk-in clost in first apartment…tiny closet in new condo…

I’ve had zero time to unpack so every morning is a panicked, “Where are my shoes?! Where’s the scoopy thing for the kitty’s litter box?! Where are my hair elastics?!” You know, the basics.

I don’t even have internet, so every day I post my blog from work (please see Domestication Hiatus page), hence its lack of interesting links/videos/pictures.

Please forgive me. I will get back into my Journey Towards Domestication within the week. Thanks!!

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