“Everyone Deserves A Lifetime”

May 4, 2008 at 6:49 pm (Things Better Than I) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

You know her…or you knew her. The special woman taken too soon because the most beautiful physical feature God endowed to her, her breasts, turned on her.

Over President’s Day Weekend (October 17-19, 2008), a group of friends and I are walking as team “Meet Me Halfway” with the Susan G. Komen for the Cure 3 Day walk in Philly.

The name of our team came from a childhood memory, growing up in Glen Rock–a small town in Bergen County, NJ. Sidewalks lined every street, so when we wanted to see a friend but didn’t want to go to each other’s houses, we would “meet halfway” between our homes and sit down on the sidewalk and chat, no matter if halfway was infront of someone’s driveway or on the corner of a busy intersection. Halfway was fair and halfway was what we did.

Now halfway means a few different things. It means reaching a fundraising goal, a fitness goal–a little effort on our end so that the scientists and researchers can find a cure on their end.

With Spring Semester almost done and a few assignments left to polish and submit, I plan on sharing my journey of preparing for the 60-mile fundraising walk in Philly with you all. It should be fun!


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