The Art of Change of Address

April 15, 2008 at 10:57 am (Personal Development) (, , , )

Never rely on anyone but yourself is an important lesson, but what if you let yourself down too often for reliance?

I budgeted myself to have $68 when I received my paycheck today, Tuesday, April 15, 2008. The only problem is that a certain department of this company told me to set up my own direct deposit, failing to mention that the cutoff was over a week ago, just three short days after the notification. I found this information out today and so here’s the problem:

I never changed my address. I was told that I had to do this in person, and because I work six days a week during post office hours, I failed to do it. This would not have been as great of a problem if I knew that my paycheck was being mailed to my old address. My company doesn’t know I moved. No one lives in the old address and we already turned in our mailbox key.

What’s even better is that I discovered I could change my address online! However, in order to submit it online I need to give them credit card information for verification. Another problem: my billing address is still at my parent’s house, as is my driver’s license.

I have officially screwed myself. I have six more slices of bread which gives me lunch for the next three days. (Unfortunately I ran out of all my meat today thinking I’d be going grocery shopping on my way home, so now I’m back to PB&Js.) Dinner on school nights will have to wait until I get home at 10pm. Snacks are a no-go. Gas for my commute is questionable.

I just should have changed my damn address. At least that was in my control but I took my sweet time with it.

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