Trapped in a World of Opportunity

“Trapped in a World of Opportunity” 9/21/05

How is higher education a privilege when it’s forced upon you?

How is a career of 9-to-5 workdays, every day for 50 weeks a year, less confining than a corset??

I’m having a hard enough time breathing in my Victoria’s Secret Very Sexy bra and my comfy cotton bikinis.

Our ancestors fought for equal rights–not oppression of passion.

They fought for opportunity and for a chance to expand their capabilities.

I’ve had sixteen years of structured schooling and so now I’m looked down upon for wanting nothing more than:

-Love, to keep my heart warm

-Family, to lean on and laugh with

-A husband, to always be my best friend

-Children, to protect and love, as my family, with my husband.

If we have equal rights to opportunity then I reserve my right to desire only these and to stand out from the career women of my generation.

I’ll work, but it won’t be my passion.

My children will be and they’ll know I’ve placed nothing above our family.

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